Brand Profile
hevò is a brand of unique and durable clothing.
hevò is rooted in its land, Apulia, and produces fruit for
a global market. It feeds on the past, savours the future.
The company, based in Southern Italy, has been
operating for more than fifty years in the high-end
fashion industry with a focus on the production of
men’s and women’s outerwear made from high-quality
Italian fabrics and great attention to detail.
In recentyears, the company has increasingly oriented its vision to the global market with an increasingly international
approach to fashion.
An essential element is the in-house production
processes that still preserve the values of craftsmanship
and Made in Italy quality.
The company handles the entire processing line in-house from planning, design and production of the finished garment.

Mauro Gianfrate / CEO
Founded in 2010 by Mauro Gianfrate, hevò has followed a clear path of evolution over the years, not only in terms of added value on products, but also on a creative and communication level.
Work at hevò is understood as a collective act, the company is a ‘we’ that is spread across the different specialist areas. Each cog is part of the same goal: to become a global brand and constantly innovate while remaining true to itself.
hevò has already developed its own international market and draws inspiration from this to conceive and carry forward the core principles of the company’s work: Japanese precision, Scandinavian image, Italian imagination. The standards are, therefore, extremely high in order to outline a market of the future in which Apulia plays a leading role with its best products.
The hevò company revolves around a distinctive idea and identity that is enriched by embracingnew creative stimuli year after year: it has the desire to become a melting pot ofwelcoming cultures, integrated together in a vision of change.
hevò is a universal code of communication held
together by four points, the same ones that, in the Morse
alphabet, identify the “h”.
Four points found on all garments. Just follow the trace
and they become a continuous line, a flowing thread of
oil. Four points that underpin hevò’s identity:
hera - hevolution - hevocation - hecosystem
hevò is time. An era is a very long time. hevò brand garments are created to last. Resembling the place they come from, the Valle D’Itria, dotted with millenary olive trees and centuriesold
dwellings, the eccentric cone-shaped trulli are a perennial source of wonderment to the beholder.
hevò implements the lesson of the earth: the time of the garments conceived, designed and produced, eschews the concept of seasonality, goes far beyond the dictatorship of fashion that consumes and wastes. hevò lives and generates a slow present: it is a fusion of ancient materials and techniques with contemporary technologies. It is the idea of form that becomes identity, a concept that becomes dress, a look beyond the horizon. A hevò asset is always beautiful: it contains the past but also the future. Like an olive tree, like oil. -
hevò is evocation. hevò colours are those of nature:
earth, rock, stone, leaf, olive, sky, horizon. A palette that always enchants, beauty that needs no adjectives, it simply is, you feel it from the start. It evokes itself through perpetual motion, it does not exhaust itself, it knows that the time of the oil milling returns every year, that it returns what it has received in sublime flavour. hevò is evocation, because it uses materials and fabrics,
above all wool, that evoke ancient memories and at the same time retain peculiar characteristics of warmth, staticity and breathability. Evocation is a creative process and hevò thrives on it.
hevò is evolution. It makes it its hallmark where evolving does not mean forgetting the past but taking it on board and recreating it, modelling it on new forms. The evolution of the hevò product is a way of thinking about and experiencing one’s body. A mirage attainable because it is more human, linked to the logic of the earth and of life. hevò is not fashion; it is an organic search for meaning. It does not want to cover the body but to be part of it. Like the drop of pure oil that runs through the veins of the land of Apulia. Evolution is above all a political choice: a sustainable number of garments, no waste, and strict attention to detail. The details of hevò are invisible: they cannot be seen but are a haptic perception of pleasure and recognisability when wearing them. Evolution is about creating garments to wear, not models to replicate.
hevò is an ecosystem. It is a combination of bodies, faces, earth, natural colours and eco-friendly fabrics. Living organisms and the physical environment are a collective story. hevò thinks and acts in terms of the ecosystem. It works to recover the ethics of the product and a concrete and factual
sense of the future. The hevò ecosystem is a way of thinking and working, and therefore of producing and wearing the productclothing. An open and permeable ecosystem: it has a clear view of tomorrow. hevò is an ecosystem interconnected with other ecosystems, a common vision that creates a landscape. hevò cultivates a balance over time, a dynamic equilibrium and thus a
particular stability that evolves. hevò is a sensitive protective ecosystem of the land it lives on, it
does not occupy it, it is an integral part of it.
Creations rooted in the Itria Valley, with an eye towards sustainability.
The hevò collections are all designed and produced in Martina Franca, in the heart of the Itria Valley in Apulia: most of the partners are also neighbours to save on CO2 emissions.

The production process consists of different stages, all of which are closely monitored and reflect the hevò style.
The first step is to procure yarns of the highest quality: Loro Piana, Lanificio Ricceri, Lanificio Supermoda among others, are historical partners of excellence.
From the very beginning with hevò, they wanted to experiment and research, constantly striving to reinvent and improve every aspect of the design and production of the most suitable and closest possible yarn to hevò’s ideas and philosophyò.

It is therefore the sourcing of fabrics, the examination of existing fabrics, remnants of previous
productions, and the search for new, long-lasting quality options that form the basis on which Hevò moves to start a high-quality, long-lasting product.
The second step is the study of the details and accessories that accompany all hevò garments, such as the typical fourhole button made exclusively to a Hevò design by the historic company Bottonificio Lenzi 1955.